#StartARipple Action List

Racism, Medicine and the Body’s Largest Organ

This list of action items was first printed along with article titled Racism, Medicine and the Body’s Largest Organ in ROC Issue 03, pages 45-49. To submit resources relating to this topic, please send us an email.

Ways to help when time and resources are limited.

Download and share resources and handbooks on how different conditions may show up on various skin tones.

Recommend databases like VisualDX to your healthcare provider.

Support BIPoC-owned dermatology and healthcare businesses. 

Support BIPoC-owned makeup and skin care brands 

Tools for contributing when you have more time or resources

ENGAGE in a conversation. What resources have you found to address health disparities?

Donate to Brown Skin Matters, a community sourced and supported project addressing the lack of dermatological reference photos for skin of colour.

Options for ongoing and sustainable engagement.

Find a professional who is competent in working with different skin colours or create a similar database for your own area.

Wear sunscreen — no matter your colour or skin type!

Buy from BIPoC-owned sunscreen brands like Black Girl Sunscreen, or Cay Skin

Sign a petition to include various skin tones in medical education.

Follow advocates and medical professionals drawing attention to racism in health care: 

How You Can Help


Our actions define us.

Whether you can give five minutes, five dollars or five days, your actions contribute to a positive ripple of change. Find direct links to all resources listed in our magazine below. Join the movement today!

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